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 | shycreature: @4thWorldComics i recommend vrchat to everyone in your store. i've been exploring the virtual settings as an anime… https://t.co/ThQvuX6VRc
by shycreature New York, USA 2023-04-17 12:43:09 DST/EDT Go to Tweet Post (1648004180970205191) |
 | littlefox6658: @SkyBlueTsunami Our WW besides groceries have a department store like Kmart called Big W. If you do come to Australia please say hello
by littlefox6658 Mount Lawley, Perth (WA) 2023-04-17 05:10:24 DST/EDT Go to Tweet Post (1647890239351058433) |
 | Willow_st: RT @CDMIII2: @4Mischief When Kmart closed down in Memphis a couple decades ago a new store opened.
"J Mart. One better than Kmart"
Only di…
by Willow_st Worldwide 2023-04-17 01:49:18 DST/EDT Go to Tweet Post (1647839630769750016) |
 | SMpwrgr: @GillKing01 Kmart Burwood - huge standalone store (deliberate choice) - there are quite a few standalone Kmarts aro… https://t.co/tHjTkSKVKi
by SMpwrgr SolarSystem 2023-04-17 00:52:54 DST/EDT Go to Tweet Post (1647825440453820416) |
 | Latersatyr69: @itsmegangraves Ok but when I worked at Kmart as a teenager store manager did have two employees chase and follow a… https://t.co/lScOAzFArg
by Latersatyr69 Michigan, USA 2023-04-16 17:48:06 DST/EDT Go to Tweet Post (1647718534473031682) |
 | CardiacDrop: RT @CardiacDrop: @MichaelNegrn2 @smith6668 @UsefulFoma @ngtcollectibles Those ‘82 cards from Kmart you have there were cool! Some of those…
by CardiacDrop Massachusetts, USA 2023-04-16 09:12:58 DST/EDT Go to Tweet Post (1647588898304937986) |
 | CardiacDrop: @MichaelNegrn2 @smith6668 @UsefulFoma @ngtcollectibles Those ‘82 cards from Kmart you have there were cool! Some of… https://t.co/O2Xbh3Et1T
by CardiacDrop Massachusetts, USA 2023-04-16 09:08:38 DST/EDT Go to Tweet Post (1647587808377282562) |
 | diamond291: @_MaccaNZ I do like a mindless wander round Kmart - usually letting the store decide what I need. I came away with… https://t.co/DqGdXVsUcJ
by diamond291 Queenstown - New Zealand 2023-04-16 03:27:07 DST/EDT Go to Tweet Post (1647501863389110272) |
 | dan_davis86: @ThatEricAlper My local Kmart had a Little Caesar's, and they had the best Crazy Bread. Better than any other store… https://t.co/whFXWflRlC
by dan_davis86 Illinois, USA 2023-04-16 01:17:33 DST/EDT Go to Tweet Post (1647469253254053888) |
 | patguzowski: My aunt once turned the aisle in kmart and saw me and turned and got out of there fast. Couldn’t even be bothered t… https://t.co/smJ36nOQSW
by patguzowski cleveland ohio 2023-04-15 10:13:14 DST/EDT Go to Tweet Post (1647241675226378241) |
 | shelll_m: @GraWitMik @OccupyMyGov @AkiretaHK Kmart is like a Sainsbury department store in the UK. The tweet is alluding to u… https://t.co/jihJr8bKVf
by shelll_m Australia 2023-04-14 23:58:50 DST/EDT Go to Tweet Post (1647087056143921153) |
 | JarokuL: Blockbuster
Video warehouse
Circuit city
AJ wright
99 cent store
Harold… https://t.co/pwHsVaidzS
by JarokuL Universe 2023-04-14 21:24:59 DST/EDT Go to Tweet Post (1647048339060408320) |
 | ryanblanck4: An original 1994 Kmart price sticker from the original Disney Masterpiece VHS copy of Snow White and the Seven Dwar… https://t.co/CTNrjgDKJa
by ryanblanck4 Vernon, Connecticut 2023-04-14 18:01:27 DST/EDT Go to Tweet Post (1646997119662686208) |
 | ElaineBelz: @brent_thomas I kinda hope it was "Been Caught Stealing" in a retail store's ad.
Years ago as Kmart was either st… https://t.co/p8OJ8JP2RR
by ElaineBelz Detroit, MI 2023-04-14 01:50:10 DST/EDT Go to Tweet Post (1646752686027558915) |