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DTDC (Desk To Desk Courier) Courier & Cargo Ltd. (DTDC) is an Indian delivery company offering domestic and international services. DTDC Courier & Cargo Ltd. (DTDC) was founded by Mr. Subhasish Chakraborty, in 1990. The company operates through over 5800 Channel Partners spread across the country with a strength of 22,000 professionals enabling deliveries of 11 million consignments per month across over 10,000 pin-codes in India. Started in 1990 and headquartered in Bangalore, today DTDC also has a significant global footprint and services 240 international locations including USA, UK, Canada, UAE, Hong Kong, Australia, China and all ASEAN countries, through its own operations, joint ventures and business associates. It offers products that address all Logistics-related needs of its clients, ranging from Express Documents to Heavy Cargo, from Domestic Premium Products to International Delivery, and from Supply Chain Solutions to Warehousing. DTDC India provides various services ranging from Domestic to International services, Premier express, supply chain solutions to name a few.


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